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March Madness

Expecting basketball stats and visuals of brackets with the winning teams?? Its not that kind of March Madness in my world! Sure my husband will have that on in the background, but I'm more concerned about the newest highlighting techniqes and what kind of haircuts you're looking for at your next appointment.

If you're in Upstate New York like I am, you might be getting hit with some snow and gloomy grey skies. Seasonal depression is most definitely a thing, but I prefer to change my look when I'm searching for the right pick me up. Skies might be grey, but that doesn't mean you should be neglecting your regrowth, or letting that shine fade from your hair! You know my theory - when you look good, you feel good!

Below are a few of my favorite haircuts for Spring along with a few pictures of the winning color combos for that new look we've all been "dying" to try.

Blunt bob(left), long lob(top right), long layers(bottom right)


Golden blonde highlgithleft), brunette and caramel balyage(top right), blonde on blonde hair painting(bottom right)

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